A former West Sussex woman was fined 1000 pounds, and are required to pay more than 25000 pounds in the online sale of counterfeit designer clothing income.
In April 2016 this year, West Sussex trading standards officials are aware of Maria Browning on the Internet to publicize Calvin suit underwear   cheap price.

In June 2016, a police officer tried to buy two Boxing Shorts, each of which was 5 pounds. They were sent to the representative of the brand, and they confirmed that they were counterfeit.

A Browning into the home, at Langley Green, Crawley and Calvin’s approval, seized clothing and suit underwear   secret Ralph Lauren and Victoria. The sample confirmed that they were also counterfeit.

Members of Debbie Kennard, a safer and stronger community, the cabinet members said: “some people think that selling counterfeit products is a harmless crime is wrong: cheating people to buy counterfeit goods is a serious crime, injure innocent buyers and legitimate businesses.

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“I hope that this decision will prevent anyone in the West Sussex sale of counterfeit brand goods.”

“We are committed to stopping the sale of counterfeit goods in our county,” said Richard Sargeant, the trade standard’s team manager.

“We will trace any person we find in this illegal activity.”
Browning, 53 years old, who lived in three bridges on North Road, was convicted on Friday in Brighton criminal court. He admitted nine accusations against trademark law at his previous hearing.
The judge took into account her former model character and the fact that she is now living in Spain and returning to Britain two times.
He made a forfeiture of 25642.24 pounds, if she was in arrears for three months or 12 months in prison.

Browning was fined 500 pounds in the previous two crimes, the remaining seven had not been punished separately, and charged a fee of 2000 pounds and paid within four months.




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